Friday, June 13, 2014

blogging tips today 2014 web-design-usability-mistakes

Here are some of the common reasons why your blog is still suffering from low traffic, poor engagement and high bounce rates despite the “awesome content” you have:

1. Your homepage looks confusing
2. Your main navigation bar is overcrowded with links
3. Your sidebar is overloaded with random widgets
4. Your theme doesn't speak to your target audience
5. Your color scheme hurts your audience's eyes
6. Your content is difficult to scan
7. You use about 15 different type of fonts
8. Your links don't look like links
9. Your social sharing buttons are nowhere to be found
10. Your social follow buttons are missing
11. You make it impossible to contact you
12. You're still using CAPTCHA codes or word verifications
13. Your search box is hiding
14. You don't care about the broken or outdated links on your site
15. You use low-quality images
16. You use super large and uncompressed images
17. You throw horrible pop-ups all over the place
18. You’re using flash
19. You auto-play music/video
20. Your blog can only be viewed in Internet Explorer
21. Your page is broken

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