Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Social Media are Internet Sites

Internet world becoming popular day by day  as well as the technology....In #Internet those sites are very informative, sharing people thoughts in one place with all, running businesses, getting ideas from many people and there are tones of things going on in  Internet today's.

Social Media are Internet Sites

Thursday, June 19, 2014

8 Ways to Increases SEO Rankings

In the past, search engines index sites primarily based only on text, however this may now not be the well-liked methodology. The means that search engines provide matches to on-line users can amendment drastically as a result of the linguistics internet revolution. Everything that you just thought you knew regarding SEO is not any longer true.
8 Ways to Increases SEO Rankings

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

SEO Simplified.What is SEO?

Infographic Social Media Marketing: 10 SEO TRICKS FOR PINTEREST

Everything you do to market your business on-line for your business is designed to help you raise your brand profile, drive more traffic to your website and improve your ranking by the search engines.  Meaning you want to come up on the first page of a Google search when someone searches for your products or services.


Digital Marketing Infographic

Digital marketing properly people need to also optimize their website and head over to social media.
The internet has become a great way to advertise with a low budget. You can market on social media sites for free if you can build up an audience. But if you get things like SEO right, you can bring in customers for free, all you really have to pay for is the hosting of your website.

Friday, June 13, 2014

blogging tips today 2014 web-design-usability-mistakes

Here are some of the common reasons why your blog is still suffering from low traffic, poor engagement and high bounce rates despite the “awesome content” you have:

1. Your homepage looks confusing
2. Your main navigation bar is overcrowded with links
3. Your sidebar is overloaded with random widgets
4. Your theme doesn't speak to your target audience
5. Your color scheme hurts your audience's eyes
6. Your content is difficult to scan
7. You use about 15 different type of fonts
8. Your links don't look like links
9. Your social sharing buttons are nowhere to be found
10. Your social follow buttons are missing
11. You make it impossible to contact you
12. You're still using CAPTCHA codes or word verifications
13. Your search box is hiding
14. You don't care about the broken or outdated links on your site
15. You use low-quality images
16. You use super large and uncompressed images
17. You throw horrible pop-ups all over the place
18. You’re using flash
19. You auto-play music/video
20. Your blog can only be viewed in Internet Explorer
21. Your page is broken

blogging tips and tricks 2014

Do you know a product called Google Analytic s Premium Exists?

Google Analytic
During the last +Social Media Hangout call, we were talking about the Social Marketer's Quiz +Mark Traphagen brought up an interesting point about taking a look at the insights from the quiz and sharing regularly with the community.

So today, I finally decided to run through the data and pull out some interesting stuff. Here's the first snippet, and I promise a much larger, in-depth insights infographic will soon follow.

To clarify, the 9.6% here is NOT out of the 18.27% who don't know about GA Premium - it's from the total number of marketers.

Tip of the Week: Measure Social interactions on your website

Did you know you can measure how people share content from your website? This can be very useful when deciding where and if to place social buttons on websites. Below you can see one of the reports you will have access to once you implement this solution. 

Map to Search Engine Marketing Success

“Map to Search Engine Marketing Success.” #SEO #Searchmarketing #Google #Website

Official Announcement: "Google local" is now Google My Business

Google My Business



Saturday, February 8, 2014

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Packages

SEO Expert Solutions is a Chennai-based Indian SEO optimization company that can help you enhance your business by optimal utilization of Search Engines. With the effective use of search engines, you can make your website emerge on the very first page of websites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

SEO referred to as Search Engine Optimization can make your website easily found by your targeted audience with the relevant usage of appropriate keywords. This could be achieved by optimizing internal and external factors that influence search engine positioning.

seo specialist chennai,seo services company in chennai